The customer
One of the largest fire protection districts in Oregon, Clackamas Fire District #1, sends emergency response vehicles to tens of thousands of incidents every year from its 20 fire stations. In order to fulfill its mission, Clackamas Fire needs to be able to respond as quickly and operate as efficiently as possible.
The challenge
With the complexity of hundreds of staff operating dozens of vehicles across a large CLACKAMAS FIRE geographical service area, Clackamas Fire wanted a modern solution to simplify fuel management, increase DISTRICT #1 inventory control and streamline reporting. Any resulting cost benefits would be welcome too.
The solution
To meet these objectives, FuelCloud installed units at six Clackmas Fire fleet fueling stations dispensing diesel with plans to upgrade more fueling stations and add more fuel types. Clackamas Fire's drivers and administrators alike report that dispensing and tracking fuel has never been easier.

Customer feedback
“FuelCloud has surpassed our expectations for ease-of-use and control. The reporting tools are great and the bottom-line savings are really noticeable. For a public service agency like ours, it’s a no-brainer.”
- Patty Rooney, Clackamas Fire District #1